Spiritual Divine Guidance
*Spiritual Life Coaching
Pamela Angela Reynolds
My Enlightenment Moment
After many momentous and life changing events, I made a choice to save my life with the help from above, with God, God within and
his holy healer Jesus known to me as Yah Shua.
I did this by being in solitude within my day to day life beginning in 2102 and by walking from all I had known in my physical existence, I had always known there was so much more than just what was here, yet I had never stopped long enough to connect to the Divine in silent prayer. I was then guided in how to return to God within myself and see God in all that is. The truths of how we are created as God's image. With my dedication to have a more fulfilling life I began to receive the truths and difference between what is of God and what is of distortions of humankind; how to be of God's True Love and serve as he is in me of Daily actions, thoughts and feelings.
I then was guided in embracing a spiritual practice of devotional connection through prayer, Breathe and just Being alone with God. YahVeh's presence came in holy meditation, prayers, yoga and receiving. Even the true and holy way of praying came to me!
This brought me to the depths from above and finally, I found trust in my inner self, With time I became more of my true Spiritual self, combined in the guidance of enhancing my God given holy gifts. into physical presence. Knowing the importance of seeking God first, I now can embark upon how to do this through re-patterning my actions toward's a life conscious of God within me. I then chose studies and certifications through prayer, how to receive and know his holy graces within me daily on all levels of living and filled with the desire to help other
I now have learned how to ask the proper questions, to let go and to receive loving wisdom in holy protection and guidance from God in prayer at any chosen moment. I am cleared in receiving guidance of the holy spirit through me for myself and others in Divine Source.
These gifts and guidance of intuition and communication are of our loving God for "infusing the truth of wisdom and life as we were meant to live and be, completely in divine connection, As Jesus showed us all, when he walked this earth as we now do and in re-perceiving all I had learned.
The most important and moving learning I received was the awareness of how to surrender anything to God Let Go Let God and see the amazement.
I allowed myself to re-perceive what I and all of us are actually here for, and to do through and be of God's loving attribute's as he is. How each of these attribute's is within us at any moment in agreement of the truly divined Spiritual being of love, we each are.!
I am honored to be delivering the loving divine messages of God through his divine Holy Blessings, to anyone wanting in agreement and prayer within their daily life, from YahVehElohim and YahShua ... Amen!
The example of Being God's Love and Blessings brings all those around us to...God in them.
I would like to Thank in sincere gratitude and true love to my dear brother Larry Reynolds and Ina Marie Hale for their loving prayers and support during my journey at: www.gracehealing.org
Here now,
the divine answers are possible with God in every moment:
Through divine devotion, prayer and meditation at any time and anywhere you can now allow to receive in his glorious love, the truth far from the living ego, and be transformed into the true divine being he created each of us to be, in every moment.
* I wish for you all to know this tremendous love within you that God has for you! Iam here to help you recall all you are designed in his love to be.
* Currently I am transcribing my first book with Yah Veh and pray that it will soon help all in knowing his blessings for daily life.
* Stay tuned... as I will be adding a series on You-tube of daily blessed tools to enhance your lives in loving light
With Blessings and Love to you!