Spiritual Divine Guidance
*Spiritual Life Coaching
Pamela Angela Reynolds
Prayers & Blessings
Prayer's of Receiving God's Divine Love
*The most Powerful prayer to connect to God is the word
Abwoon.... 3 x (breath of life in God)
Hand on Heart with 3 deep breathes
God is The Breathe of Life within each of us!
Note: Envision your core as God, YahVeh's Bright white and Golden essence at your Core and allow and receive through every cell God within.
God’s Blessings and Holy Graces and be... Gods attribute's.
Loving and fulfilled with his holy restoration and renewal,
in his perfect image as you are designed to be. Choose in all things of Seeing through God's eyes
With Jesus Christ (true name of YahShua) and the Holy Spirit within.
Now and always in every area of my life, in Childlike heart I am forever and always in and of his Holy embrace. Amen!
And so it is …………. with thankfulness and gratefulness
*The light of the divine within me NOW Draws to me
All that is in Love and For my Highest good
to make my life complete in his Joy and protection,
Happiness and privilege in abundance, beauty,
youth and health in Gods love within on all levels layers and
dimensions, are in all areas of my life with God!
Proverbs; 3; 5 & 6
Trust in the Lord with all thine Heart and Lean unto thine own understanding.
In all ways acknowledge him & he shall direct thy paths". Amen
Session: Learn the process through prayers and letting go.
''The transmutation'' of all actions, thoughts, emotions and Life's
events of this physical realm into divine blessings and restoration of God's Love, for the current events and journey's, in your life.
With Gods loving embrace!
Remember ..It only takes 21 seconds of courage!!!
To find a new gift of Divine blessings!!
*Individual prayers are given for each person in a session.